收藏本站 让广大创业者及微小企业便捷、省心、省钱。


1.If you take a nap now, you will only have a dream. If you study hard now, you will achieve your dream (your dream will e true).濡傛灉浣犳鏃舵墦鐩?浣犲皢鍋氭ⅵ銆傚鏋滀綘姝ゅ埢鍔姏瀛︿範,浣犲皢姊︽兂鎴愮湡銆?/p>

2.I dont work hard today, and try to find a job tomorrow.

3.Ifyou would have a thing well done, do ityourself.

4.To be successful, go crazy first, make a determination to go forward.

5.There are many choices in life. Be careful in every step. But one choice cant decide everything. Dont hesitate to make a choice and dont regret it. As long as we can strive unrelentlessly, victory is ahead.

6.Start everyday with a new hope, leave bad memories behind and strive for a better tomorrow. 鐢ㄦ柊鐨勫笇鏈涘紑鍚瘡涓€澶?涓㈡帀涓嶅ソ鐨勫洖蹇?涓烘洿濂界殑鏄庡ぉ鑰屽姫鍔涖€?/p>

7.The future is in my hands. Its totally uptome.鎴戠殑鏈潵鎴戜綔涓汇€?/p>

8.Take time when time es lest timestealaway.

9.confidence, an effort, a success; very confident, very hard, very successful.

10.Im the best!Im the greatest! Iminvincible!

11.Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and baddays give you experience.

12.Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful銆?/p>

13.Cease to struggle and you cease to live. 鐢熷懡涓嶆,濂嬫枟涓嶆伅銆傚崱鑾卞皵

14.While there is life, there is hope.(鏈夌敓鍛藉氨鏈夊笇鏈涚暀寰楅潚灞卞湪,涓嶆€曟病鏌寸儳銆?/p>

15.Fear of their own suffering, has been suffering because of their own fear銆?/p>

16.Some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel, is just like some people, is doomed to be unable to substitute.

17.Feelings fade,people change銆俌ou just gotta learn to accept that銆?/p>

18.I feel strongly that I can make it. (鎴戝潥淇℃垜涓€瀹氳兘鎴愬姛銆?/p>

19.Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.浼熷ぇ鐨勬垚灏卞苟闈炴簮鑷竴鏃跺啿鍔?鑰屾槸鐢变竴绯诲垪灏忎簨姹囪仛鑰屾垚鐨勩€?/p>

20.You stumble,e to a wound,just as for the youth,and draw themakeup銆?/p>

21.Onetoday is worth twotomorrows.1涓粖澶╄儨浼?涓槑澶┿€?/p>

22.Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow銆備粖鏃ョ殑浜嬫儏浠婃棩瀹屾垚!

23.The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today銆傚鏄庡ぉ鍋氬ソ鐨勫噯澶囦究鏄粖澶╁仛鍒版渶濂?

24.Michael Jackson 銆奩ou Are Not Alone銆? I can hear your prayers. Yourburdens I will bear. But first I need your hand then forever can begin.

25.Dont mistake movement for achievement銆?Its easy to get faked out bybeing busy銆?The question is: Busy doing what?


27.Ifyou want knowledge, you must toil forit.鑻ヨ姹傜煡璇?椤讳粠鍕よ嫤寰椼€?/p>

28.If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyoneelse thinks銆?Thats how dreams are achieved銆?/p>

29.The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

30.It is better to die than to be frightened to death. This is not a fight, but when?

31.Don鈥檛 try so hard,the best things e when you least expect themto銆?/p>

32.You cant have a better tomorrow if you dont stop thinking about yesterday.

33.Alittle knowledge is a dangerousthing.娴呭璇汉銆?/p>

34.Life isn鈥檛 about waiting for the storm to pass,it鈥檚 about learning todance in the rain銆?/p>

35.Im proud of my heart銆?Its been played, burned, and broken, but itstill works銆?/p>

36.The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible "鍑℃槸鍐冲績鍙栧緱鑳滃埄鐨勪汉鏄粠鏉ヤ笉璇?涓嶅彲鑳界殑"

37.Sweat is the lubricant of success.姹楁按鏄垚鍔熺殑娑︽粦鍓傘€?/p>

38.Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning todance in the rain銆?/p>

39.Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide. 鍋氬喅瀹氭槸鍥伴毦鐨?涔熷洜姝ょ泭鍙戠弽璐点€?/p>

40.From now on,I will expect nothing,and just take what I get.浠庣幇鍦ㄨ捣,鎴戝皢涓嶅啀鏈熷緟,鍙弽鎯滄垜鎵€鎷ユ湁銆?/p>

41.Power without pressure, tension without anxiety, quick without panic.

42.take my rest life over to endow you a belief in goodliness forever.

43.When an opportunity is neglected, it never esbackto you.

44.Some good friends bee distant insensibly,even you do not know why銆?/p>

45.Themorning sun never lasts aday.濂芥櫙涓嶅父;鏈濋槼涓嶈兘鍏夌収鍏ㄦ棩銆?/p>

46.Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again. 杩囦竴绉嶉珮灏氳€岃瘹瀹炵殑鐢熸椿銆傚綋浣犲勾鑰佹椂鍥炴兂璧疯繃鍘?浣犲氨鑳藉啀涓€娆′韩鍙椾汉鐢熴€?/p>

47.Theday is short but the work ismuch.宸ヤ綔澶?鍏夐槾杩€?/p>

48.Where there is life,there is hope. (鏈夌敓鍛藉繀鏈夊笇鏈涖€?/p>

49.Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.

50.Miracles sometimes occur,but one has to work terribly for them. (濂囪抗鏈夋椂鍊欐槸浼氬彂鐢熺殑,浣嗘槸浣犲緱涓轰箣鎷煎懡鍦板姫鍔涖€?/p>

51.Never say die銆傛案杩滀笉瑕佹皵棣?

52.Keep flax from fire,youth from gaming.浜氶夯杩滅鐏嫍,闈掑勾杩滅璧屽崥銆?/p>

53.Never underestimate your power to change yourself!姘歌繙鍕胯浣庝及浣犳敼鍙樿嚜鎴戠殑鑳藉姏!

54.It鈥檚 not easy to change friendship into love. But it鈥檚 even harder toturn love into friendship.

55.None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew. Erasmus鍙湁姣忓ぉ鍐嶅害鎴樿儨鐢熸椿骞跺ず鍙栬嚜鐢辩殑浜?鎵嶉厤浜彈鐢熸椿鐨勮嚜鐢便€?/p>

56.For something,we cant understand when we are young but by the time weunderstand,we are no longer young銆?/p>

57.We have to keep studying hard even if we are tired.鍗充娇鎴戜滑寰堢疮,鎴戜滑涔熷繀椤诲潥鎸佸姫鍔涘涔犮€?/p>

58.of the autumn and winter spring and summer! Win the life without regrets!

59.We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves銆?There must be contests锛?and we must win銆傛垜浠€氳繃鎴樿儨鑷繁鏉ユ敼杩涜嚜鎴戙€?閭i噷涓€瀹氭湁绔炶禌锛屾垜浠竴瀹氳璧紒

60.Dreaming in the memory is not as good as waiting for the paradise in thehell.

61.People who never fail are people who learn the least. Dont be afraid to fail. Grab the lesson, fight better! 浠庝笉澶辫触鐨勪汉,鍏跺疄瀛﹀埌鐨勪笢瑗挎渶灏戙€傛墍浠ヤ笉瑕佸鎬曞け璐?鎴戜滑瑕佸仛鐨勬槸,鍦ㄥけ璐ヤ腑瀛︿範,鍦ㄥ鏂椾腑杩涙銆?/p>

62.at the end of China silver sea to shore up the top of the mountain, the peak is me.

63.Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 缁撲氦蹇箰鐨勬湅鍙嬨€傛暣鏃ユ剚鐪変笉灞曞彧鑳借浣犻洩涓婂姞闇溿€?/p>

64.Today,give a stranger one of your smiles銆侷t might be the only sunshinehe sees all day銆?/p>

65.You cant expect him to be perfectnobody is.鍒湡寰呬粬鏄畬缇庣殑,娌′汉鏄畬缇庣殑銆?/p>

66.Confidencein yourself is thefirst step on the road to success.

67.i know that my future is not just a dream銆傛垜鐭ラ亾鎴戠殑鏈潵涓嶆槸姊︺€?/p>

68.Without music, life is like a journey to the desert.

69.must leave, invites, forever leaves es back again.

70.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. (蹇冧箣鎵€鎰?鏃犱簨涓嶆垚銆?/p>

71.We are not the beginning of the pursuit of others锛?but every unknown tomorrow銆?鎴戜滑杩介€愮殑缁濅笉鏄埆浜虹殑璧风偣锛岃€屾槸姣忎竴涓湭鐭ョ殑鏄庡ぉ銆?/p>

72.All things in their being are good for something. (澶╃敓鎴戞墠蹇呮湁鐢ㄣ€?/p>

73.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well銆?/p>

74.The future is scary but you cant just run to the past cause its familiar.

75.Strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished.Swetchine鍙湁寮鸿€呮墠鎳傚緱鏂椾簤;寮辫€呯敋鑷冲け璐ラ兘涓嶅璧勬牸,鑰屾槸鐢熸潵灏辨槸琚緛鏈嶇殑銆傛柉濞佺壒鍒囧凹

76.Let life be beautiful like summer fiowers and death like autumn leaves.鐢熷澶忚姳涔嬬粴鐑?姝诲绉嬪彾涔嬮潤缇庛€?/p>

77.Failure is the mother of success.Thomas Paine澶辫触涔冩垚鍔熶箣姣嶃€?/p>

78.The better to have loved and lost; Than never to have loved at all.

79.From now on, I not only study harder but also try my best to get better grades.浠庝粖浠ュ悗,鎴戜笉浣嗚鏇村姞鍔姏瀛︿範杩樿灏藉姏鍙栧緱鏇村ソ鐨勬垚缁┿€?/p>

80.i dont want to be in tears, but i am still in grief.

81.缇庡ソ鐨勬棩瀛愮粰浣犲甫鏉ュ揩涔?闃存殫鐨勬棩瀛愮粰浣犲甫鏉ョ粡楠屻€傛墍浠?涓嶈瀵圭敓鍛戒腑鐨勪换浣曚竴澶╂€€鏈夐仐鎲俱€?Never regret a day in your life. good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience.

82.What makes life dreary is the want of motive.George Eliot娌℃湁浜嗙洰鐨?鐢熸椿渚块儊闂锋棤鍏夈€備箶娌诲焹鐣ョ壒

83.Accept what was and what is, and youll have more positive energy topursue what will be. 鎺ュ彈杩囧幓鍜岀幇鍦ㄧ殑妯℃牱,鎵嶄細鏈夎兘閲忓幓杩藉鑷繁鐨勬湭鏉ャ€?/p>

84.Its tough when someone special starts to ignore you, its even tougherto pretend that you dont mind.

85.Do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that youlive is a special occasion.

86.I鈥檓 the best锛?I鈥檓 the greatest锛?I鈥檓 invincible锛?鎴戞槸鏈€妫掔殑銆傛垜鏄笉鍙緛鏈嶇殑銆?/p>

87.No matter how strong you are,someone will always be your fatal.鏃犺浣犳湁澶氬潥寮?鎬绘湁浜烘槸浣犵殑鑷村懡浼ゃ€?/p>

88.An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.Robert Louis Stevenson鐢熸椿鐨勭洰鏍?鏄敮涓€鍊煎緱瀵绘壘鐨勮储瀵屻€?鍙茶拏鏂囨.

89.even if someone breaks your heart, there is always someone willing to mend it.

90.Itis lost labour to sow where there isnosoil.娌℃湁鍦熷¥,鎾涔熸槸寰掑姵銆?/p>

91.Many of the things we desire are expensive. But the truth is, thethings that really satisfy us are totally free 鈥搇ove, laughter and working onour passions.



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